New City Commercial Corporation (NCCC)
"NCCC is all about people: Their associates, customers, business partners and community. Since starting out as a textile store in 1952 they continue to grow, expanding to different retail businesses and locations to serve more people. They strive to offer Service from the Heart first of all to their associates. They also maintain solid relationships with their business partners to provide a wide assortment of basic and unique merchandise. They are proud of journey and we continue to pay tribute to o founders and history by living up to core values of humility, caring, hard work, excellence and fun. They live for their vision to be A Leader Who Cares. "
Human Resource Department or they call it “People Department”
NCCC Spirit:
Functions of NCCC People Department
-Maintenance personal data
-Modification updating
-Man power report
-Government report
-Prepare task for the necessary department
-Certification of employee.
-Insurance of employee
NCCC job hiring qualifications:
Fresh Graduate should:
- Undergone trainee
- Experience is not necessary
- Good Background
High Position should:
- Has enough experience to desired position
- Good background
Qualification to be regular:
- Sales associate
- Performance
- Attendance
- Serve customer
NCCC used “magic runtime” software to manage the data of the employee working on the company.
*Date hired and date due
-if it color blue means active and if it is yellow he is lead out already
-but then the data of the employee that is lead out is never delete because of information the company may used soon.
This picture was taken after our interview with NCCC HR personnel.

From left, (Me, Jebi, Jezreel and the NCCC HR personnel, MS. Rachelle)
The next company that I have interviewed regarding the best practices of their HR is the NekenFab Incorporated. Since this company is our adopted company in MIS, I took the opportunities to interview about their HR.
NekenFab, Inc. is a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) duly registered company, is owned and managed by Filipino professionals whose address is at 2/F AraƱez Bldg., Prk 30, KM Ma-a Davao City, Philippines.
The provision of appropriate and adequate housing for “all” signifies the state of the people’s well being, hence, like many countries, the
It is in this concept that the NekenFab, Inc. was conceived and established to address the need for adequate housing in the country. As a private entity, the incorporators feel to venture in this kind of industry as their contribution to the solution of this social problem that the government is facing, and as partners in achieving national development.
The company has employed Filipino Architects, Engineers, Planners, and other professionals with track record of experience in planning, design, and construction. Likewise, its staff is updated with modern technology and project implementation and construction.
Furthermore, NekenFab’s uses their own Information System (MIS) in their business transactions. With the support from the latest computer-based design system, the company offer services that can manage, design and optimize or operations from the initial conceptualization to the actual construction of the project.
To be the most efficient and effective construction company utilizing state of the art technology in providing affordable and quality structures.
Continuously creating value for research, planning and design to achieve customer satisfaction thru intelligent use of time, money and effort.
o Strong Customer Focus
o Empowered Teamwork
o Transparency of actions
o Absolute commitment to safety and improvements
o Progress through people
o Technology Adaptability
Functions of Nekenfab Incorporated
§ Responsible for posting, sourcing, recruitment, placement, making the salary offer, explanation of benefits, orientation and training of selected applicants.
§ Vacation leave
The company recognizes that its employees need time to recharge and to look after personal affairs. It is therefore the company grant vacation leave with pay to qualified employees for the purpose of attending personal matters, rest, and recreation.
§ Sickness leave
The company accepts its responsibility to look after the welfare of its employee, especially during moments of sickness or illness. Therefore, the company grant sick leave with pay to its employees during illness.
§ Maternity leave
It is the policy of the company to grant maternity leave with full pay and all corresponding benefits to all its qualified female.
§ Paternity leave
It is the policy of the company to grant paternity leave with full pay and all corresponding benefits to all married male employees.
§ Social security
It is also the policy of the company to adhere to all the provisions, amendments, and jurisprudence of the law.
The following are some of the disciplinary action of NekenFab INC.
Nature offenses
1. Attendance
A. Absence without official leave (AWOL) on any day, without reasonable excuses.
B. Unexcused tardiness in coming to work, including coming in from breaks.
C. Loitering during working hours
D. Abandoning without permission.
2. Personal Conduct
A. Deliberately slowing down work, restricting output, or engaging in sabotage.
B. Sleeping on duty
C. Reporting to work while under the influence of liquor
D. Immoral behavior or conduct, to include lascivious action and sexual harassment.
3. Dishonesty
A. Making false statements or deliberately lying during formal investigation.
B. Falsifying, misrepresenting, or altering reports, Personnel or other company records.
C. Stealing or theft any sort.
D. Falsifying any signature on a company check or any checks and other financial documents, where the company is party.
4. Work Attitude
A. Inexcusable negligence resulting in disruption of operation or impaired work performance.
The penalties of these offenses are depending of the offense that the employee has committed. The first offense usually the penalty is verbal or written warning or seven days off without pay except of committing sexual harassment or trafficking or use of prohibited drugs, and many on dishonesty. The first penalty is TERMINATION.
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